​There are many opportunities available for Conference, Banqueting and Event Jobs as venues usually require a large team with varying expertise to ensure that all events and meetings run as smoothly and professional as possible. Banqueting and Event Jobs can provide unrivalled experience and career-enhancing opportunities within the Hospitality industry.

Attributes required for Event Jobs

Whether you are a talented Banqueting Chef, experienced Waiting and Bar staff or a Hospitality Manager heading up Conferences and Banqueting Events, being confident working in a fast-paced and high-volume environment is essential. Working within this area of hospitality requires confident, approachable and friendly individuals who have great communication skills to provide excellent customer service to a broad clientele.

You will have experience within your field of work and have a good understanding of how conference and banqueting events take place, to make sure your section runs smoothly throughout the duration of the event. You'll have excellent team working skills to be able to work alongside a large team of like-minded individuals, whilst having great attention to detail and resilience.

Explore more about the roles available in Conference and Banqueting:

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