Technical Environmental engineer jobs are to be responsible for assessing and managing the effects of human and other activity on the natural and built environment. Environmental Engineers work within large and small consultant engineering companies with clients that include bodies associated with:

  • waste management (such as local authorities and site operators);

  • land reclamation (developers, local authorities and land owners);

  • pollution/effluent control (local authorities and industry).

The developing scope of environmental protection has created additional opportunities in small specialist environmental consultancies and environmental divisions in large companies. 

Environmental Engineers may enter these roles from and environmental engineering degree, often with a focus on architecture.

Duties within a Technical Environmental Engineering Job

  • testing and assessing sites;

  • tendering for projects, ranging from environmental audits to major contaminated land reclamation such as water and sewage treatment plants, storm water and river control works;

  • liaising with occupational health experts to ensure a hazard-free working environment;

  • gaining resource consents for proposed structures or repairs;

  • communicating relevant issues to other technical staff, regulatory authorities, public interest groups and the public;

  • working with computer models to assess a range of environmental processes.

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