Promotion of equality and diversity as part of the culture of an organisation is an aspect of the work of all Human Resources staff. In some organisations, the equal opportunities policy is co-ordinated by an experienced Diversity Officer and large companies may employ an Equal Opportunities Officer who works solely in this area.

Broadly speaking Equal Opportunities Officers are responsible for developing, producing and monitoring an employer's diversity & equal opportunities policies and ensuring that statutory obligations are met in this area. The work of a Diversity Officer will include developing the organisation's equal opportunities policy and practice in the light of legislative change and best practice; reviewing or implementing equal opportunities monitor schemes; advising on issues of recruitment, retention and staff development in relation to best practice and legislation and keeping up to date with current legislation.

The starting salary for an Equal Opportunities and Diversity Officer ranges between £18,000 and £28,000 with salaries for those with experience reaching up to £50,000.

An Equal Opportunities/Diversity Officer Job Description

Additional duties include liaising with a wide range of organisations in areas such as race relations, disability and gender; identifying equality issues in the work place and, in conjunction with appropriate staff, developing policies and practices to counter discrimination; gaining and applying knowledge of how to obtain practical assistance, such as grants for special equipment and to advise mangers and staff on all aspects of equality and diversity in staffing and service delivery issues.

Contributing to raising the profile of policies such as the Equal Opportunities Policy and Bullying and Harassment in and around the Workplace will be required as well as advising on investigations involving complaints of discrimination as required.

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