The job satisfaction level refers to an employee’s overall positive attitude and feelings towards a job. According to the Chartered Institute of Personal Development, almost one in four workers are looking to leave their jobs due to a low job satisfaction level. Employers, therefore, need to analyse what measures need to be taken that will suit the organisation in order to reduce job dissatisfaction-related practices, such as high absenteeism and turnover, and instead boost morale among employees.
Job satisfaction is neither constant between sectors, industries or jobs nor dependent on a high salary or status- a recent study showed that third-sector employees are far more satisfied compared to their peers in private firms. This can be explained by the fact that the level of job satisfaction is more dependent on the level of “job enjoyment” than pay and promotion. Stafffinders has outlined 8 different determinants of job satisfaction for employers to use as a model for how to review these aspects within their organisation and thereby increase the overall level of job satisfaction.
Training and development
Does your organisation offer employees continuous training and development opportunities? If not, this is something that should be considered as many employees are looking for opportunities to develop their skills at work, and some use the lack of development opportunities as a cue to start looking for a new job. Training and development don’t have to mean costly days off at a conference, it could also be a smaller online course or internal workshops.

Task and skill variety
An appropriate number of tasks and skills should be used- if too many are in use, the job can be perceived as overwhelming, whereas if too few are used, the employee might get bored instead. Getting the job done while finding a balance that works for all employees is therefore important.
Some studies suggest that the more autonomy employees have at work, the higher their job satisfaction level. The study also indicates that they are less likely to want to change jobs.
There is a growing number of flexible workers; employees who want to be able to work from home or with varied start and finish times, determine the process of carrying out tasks and being able to make decisions on their own. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly important for many employees to be able to take on more responsibilities, as many want to feel that they have an impact on the organisation and that their work matters. Furthermore, having work stressors we cannot control is far more damaging than work stressors we have some control over. Having work stressors that we cannot control can result in the deteriorating mental health of employees.
However, not all employees are comfortable with taking on several responsibilities, some just want to follow the instructions provided by a manager.
Job security
Certain industries are more affected than others regarding job insecurity; the nursing industry for example has continued to cut the nursing workforce, which results in a fear of losing one’s job for many nurses. This fear impacts the employee’s health and work; causing increased levels of absenteeism and deteriorating mental health.
Workplace environment
Even the workplace environment will play a role in an employee’s level of job satisfaction. Analyse the workplace environment of your organisation for a few minutes- how are the desks positioned? Do they allow for conversation between colleagues or are they strictly designed for work? What does the lunchroom look like? Does it allow employees to relax? Is there a space allocated for informal meetings or for employees to discuss ideas together? An office does not have to be boring and if the environment allows for greater engagement, employees are likely to feel more creative and inspired.

Workload and stress level
If the amount of work piles up faster than you can work, you are likely to experience increased stress levels. Whether the workload is just too much to get done in a day or you simply don’t have the necessary skills or equipment to complete certain tasks, knowing that you are behind on work even before you get there in the morning, can be extremely stressful. Managers should regularly check in with their employees to see that their workload is realistic.
Regular feedback and appraisal
Managers should also regularly check in with their employees to see how they are getting on with their tasks. Furthermore, they should give feedback on assignments and appraisals. Some employees expect feedback and appraisal more often than others, so make sure to communicate with the employee about what he/ she prefers. Employees want to feel that they are valued at work so you should tell them how much you appreciate the amount of work that they put in!
Overall life satisfaction level
If your overall life satisfaction level is high, then you are also more likely to be satisfied in your job. It is therefore important to find a work-life balance that suits you and allows you to destress and recharge your batteries when you are away from work. Read this article in order to find out how to achieve a healthy work-life balance.
Job dissatisfaction outcomes
Investing in your employees’ well-being and satisfaction will not only increase employee morale and efficiency but will also reduce certain outcomes that are associated with job dissatisfaction, such as declined work performance, lower productivity, increased levels of absenteeism and higher turnover rates.