Switchboard Operator Jobs
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Switchboard operator jobs assist members of the public who could be customers, clients, visitors or patients, by directing calls quickly and efficiently. Switchboard operator jobs will also greet visitors when they arrive at the office, take their details and answer any questions or queries and direct them to whomever, they have come to see or to the office or room they need to go. Switchboard operator jobs may need to take down messages for members of staff using outlook and operate the tannoy to pass on calls and may organise appointments or take bookings.
Switchboard operator jobs may also need to keep the reception area tidy and professional looking and other tasks may include basic clerical work, dealing with petty cash and keeping records and diaries up-to-date and issue visitor / security passes. Although switchboard operators jobs usually require work office hours of 9-5 Monday to Friday, some switchboard operator jobs may require or involve some weekend and/or evening work. Part-time or job share positions are often available for receptionist positions and working environments are usually comfortable as they are the ‘front face' of the company. Switchboard operator jobs require friendly, outgoing and confident people with a warm and welcoming personality. They must also enjoy dealing with the general public and have excellent communication skills.