Production Operative Jobs
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Production Operative jobs in the industry check machinery or parts before the manufacturing process begins. Production Operative jobs collect and weigh the materials needed for production, carry out checks during manufacturing, close down machinery after manufacturing and clean and maintain equipment. Production Operative jobs work 37.5 hours a week plus overtime. Shift work is common for Production Operative jobs. When at work in the production area protective clothing is worn by production operatives.
Production operatives need to be reliable and punctual, understand how the machinery they operate is working, be aware of health and safety issues and be able to work as part of a team. Production Operative jobs require a good level of fitness because the work can be strenuous.
The UK production industry is gearing up for the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) and there's never been a better time to be training for a career as a Production Operative. The usual entry route for a Production Operative job is as an apprentice. A number of NVQs/SVQs related to production operative jobs are available to employees of all ages at Levels 1 to 4. With the right training and experience, a production operative job can lead to supervisors or team leaders.